Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Max y Mary

Tonight Cami took me to see an Australian stop motion movie called 'Max and Mary'. It was shocking at first because it physically looked like the old Wallace and Grommet movies (really, they're one of my few points of reference for stop motion) but was dark. Both visually and in content. I thought it was exceptionally good. Also, it helped that we saw it in the perfect setting: it was projected onto a blank wall at an art museum after hours, with only about 20 people in attendance (#IpromiseImnotahipster). I'd definitely recommend it, but only if you're prepared to sit down and watch it without distraction.

Where I got lost on the run yesterday.

The other 180 degrees.

I was so happy to see these stairs (and the ferris wheel to the right).

Yeah, all 12 flights of them.
(the rest are hidden behind the white building in the center)

The museum where we saw the movie tonight.

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